Monday, September 28, 2009

Let's take a spin around the internet today, to see how one company presents itself in different parts of the world.

Go to Notice how the site is big, bright, and flashy, with multiple windows being shown at once. You can scroll across different windows by using the arrow keys on your keyboard. (You may have to click on an empty space in the background of the site for the arrow keys to work.) Despite having the obligatory Rock Band and NFL tie-ins, they're also trying to make themselves look like a very post-material company -- they have some kind of Goodworks campaign, an "Eco Challenge," a link to the DoSomething and City Year websites, and an ad campaign geared towards deaf people. Also note the emphasis on social networking: they have a Facebook page, twitter account, and Youtube channel. Pretty much every current trend on one webpage.

Pepsi's Canadian page is almost identical in style, but it lacks the charitable parts and swaps our favorite sport for theirs. This pretty much encompases the interests of our hockey-stick wielding Neanderthals to the north, so no surprises there. But, the Canadian website keeps the links to Pepsi's social networking sites. (Fun fact: Neanderthal tweets limited to four characters.)

The UK page has a darker motif (matches the food and weather), but it's still very flashy and shooting for the eighteen to thirty-five age range. Heavy on the sports and music tie-ins. Though it uses a different style, Pepsi's Mexican site has a similar focus: strictly sports and music.

Now let's go for a swim and see their Australian website. They've gone in a completely new direction here. The website has a much different style, and the only things prominently displayed on the front page are their oddball commercials. Here they seem to be making themselves out to be the crazy, young person's soda. Strangely, no mention of Facebook or the others.

Let's contrast that to their German page. Notice how the content is aligned with straight lines. Definitely nothing crazy about this soda, it's just for people that like football.

Last stop is Japan. Remember how the buttons on the German site barely flashed when you put the cursor on them? Check out how the rectangle icons move on the Japanese site. That seems pretty standard for Japanese websites. For example, compare to The japanese site has more vivid colors and attention-grabbing graphics.

Phew! So there you have it. Just showing how companies cater their appearance to different tastes. Now, I need to find somewhere to park the Mobile Advertisement Business (or MADBUS, as I've taken to calling it). You wouldn't believe how hard it is to find places with unprotected Wifi.

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